The Probation Department administers the Court's security program, diversion program, work release program,
community service work program and the pre-sentence investigation program.
- To Qualify for House Arrest
- Defendants must have fines and costs paid in full to qualify. House Arrest is contracted through an outside agency.
- To Qualify for Interlock:
- Defendant’s must provide a copy of their insurance, registration, and complete the application for Interlock for processing. Please allow
seven to ten business days to process.
- To qualify for Work Release:
- Defendants must submit: Most recent pay stub, letter on your employer’s letterhead verifying your employment, rate of pay, and your schedule
for the first week that you are reporting to Jail.
- 12 hours is the maximum time allowed out of the jail per day. Six days is the maximum days in a row you can be out. 20% to 25% of your gross
pay is paid in advance directly to the Jail.
- Court Ordered Programs:
- If you are in a court ordered program, the Court will ask for a written verification of your progress once a month for compliance.